Friday, August 10, 2012

Free College Classes You Can "Virtually" Sit -In On

I've been taking a few classes "virtually" by sitting-in on them from my laptop. They are actually pretty interesting, especially if you've never been to college.

What most people don't know is that many colleges and universities upload their courses to the web for the entire world to utilize! This began with MIT and quickly spread. There are literally THOUSANDS of online college classes available for you to view and listen to over the web! But while they're free, you don't get college credit for them--at least not the traditional way. The truth is, you can get college credit for "knowledge learned" in everyday life.

Tests for Knowledge Learned
There are tests you can take for knowledge gained from life's experiences. You can save a fortune in college costs if you can get this credit. Also, you'll shave many months off your education.

You'll need to do a little research to get this credit, and you'll also want to brush up on the subjects. You can do that by taking the free classes. The link about will take you to a site that links to many thousands of free classes, so you'll want to take advantage of that.

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